In this age group, children begin to notice, understand and adopt grammatical rules. They learn to use English in the context of everyday situations.
A 1.1 (1) Beginners
Familiarization, numbers, family, clothes, food, prepositions, the verb "to be", the verb "have got", modal verb "can", present running time
STARTERS, MOVERS (for children under 12)
A 1.2 (1+) False Beginners
Present tenses: plain and continuous, modal verbs, future "going to", comparison of adjectives, countable and uncountable nouns, past simple time (regular -ed, verbs "to be": was / were)
MOVERS (for children under 12)
A 2.1 (2) Intermediate I. (Elementary)
Present tenses simple, continuous, past simple (including irregular verbs) and past continuous, present tense, future "will", 1st conditional, modal verbs "should, could, would"
MOVERS (for children under 12)
A 2.2 (3) Pre-Intermediate II. (Pre-Intermediate)
Present tenses, past tenses and "used to" ties, 1. A 2. Condition, present and past liabilities, direct and indirect speech, gerund and infinitives
FLYERS (for children under 12), KET for schools (for children over 12)